Covid Practices & Procedures
We have modified our programs to keep all involved in our Swim Lessons safe;
Ratios will remain 3 to 1 for Starter Swimmer, Swimmer One & Swimmer Two. Ratios are reduced to 3 to 1 for Swimmer Three to Swimmer Six.
Starter, Swimmer One, and most Swimmer Two’s will require a Caregiver to be in the water with their swimmer for the entire lesson.
We ask that all swimmers & their caregivers follow these rules for Swim Lessons, which take place at Robarts' Pool:
Please complete online screening below before arriving for each & all swim lessons. (1 per family or household)
Masks must be worn at all times except for the swimmer participating in their class.
Starter, Swimmer One, and most Swimmer Two’s will require a Caregiver to be in the water with their swimmer for the entire lesson.
We request that only one caregiver be in attendance.
Please use the entrance to the building off of Highbury Ave. Please proceed directly to the pool and remain only on the pool deck until lesson is finished.
Please limit your time in the change rooms.
Please note that this is very much a work in progress and requirements and permissions may change at short notice. We very much want to get back to teaching children the proper way to swim, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We will continue with the direction of the City of London’s Aquatics' practices & procedures as follows:​
Arrive no more than 10 minutes before your start time and leave promptly at the end of your program.
All patrons will be screened prior to entry into the facility. Contact tracing will be required. Staff will collect a name and phone number for each swimmer/group.
Swimmers and spectators are reminded at all times to keep 2 metres apart to physically distance from those individuals not directly in their household.
If the parent/caregiver is not required to participate, they are to view from the designated viewing area.
Face coverings or masks are required in all areas of indoor pools except the pool itself.